What is the best hearing aids?

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Audiological tests and evaluations such as pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry are the most important steps in the diagnosis of hearing loss. After physical examination and audiological evaluations, the type and degree of hearing loss is determined.

There are many factors that need to be considered in the selection of hearing aids such as hearing loss type, degree, ear structure, age, working environment, social life individual characteristics and needs. With all these factors in mind, the skilled person (audiometrist, audiologist) will have chosen the most appropriate hearing aid for you.

Another important thing to do after selecting the right device for the person is adapting the individual device. The specialist applying the hearing aid should inform both the patient and his / her relatives in terms of the effect and consequences of the applied device on the patient.

The use of the hearing aid (insertion of batteries, daily maintenance, etc.) should be explained in a clear manner. After all these steps, it is of great importance that the client is patient and stable in the process of acclimatization. During the first weeks of this acclimatization process, he/she should listen to different sounds at home and take a break. During the second and third week the client can use more during the day in weeks and can use it all day long after the end of 1 month. You should have your hearing aid checked periodically by your specialist and have your maintenance and settings checked. Therefore, choosing the corporate companies you trust in the service quality will increase the efficiency and quality of your hearing aid.